3 Payroll Errors That Can Sink Your Company

3 Payroll Errors That Can Sink Your Company

You’ve Got To Get Payroll Right If you are a business owner, you are probably busy 24/7 and can't always give each required task your full attention. If you get to the point where you have to put something on the back burner, make sure it's not payroll. Workforce Management Suite has convenient, powerful tools [...]
3 Payroll Errors That Can Sink Your Company

6 Steps For An Effective Workplace Safety Committee

What is a safety committee? A group of employees and managers who design and implement safety programs. Good safety committees increase employee engagement with organizational policies. They improve training. They help new associates create good habits. They protect the company from compliance infractions. Are you in charge of setting up a safety committee at your [...]
3 Payroll Errors That Can Sink Your Company

3 Easy Ways to Reduce Labor Costs With Automated Workforce Management

Even though Workforce Management Suite is very cost-effective, some employers still aren't convinced that it's worth it and hang onto old school manual timekeeping systems. Today's post is addressed to employers who are using manual Workforce Management practices because they don't believe that investing in an automated system will yield a consequential ROI. Here are [...]
3 Payroll Errors That Can Sink Your Company

TimeSimplicity: The Cure for Nurse Staffing Headaches

Today's post is for nurse managers currently using inadequate scheduling tools. When caring for patients, nurses live in a world of cutting-edge devices and sophisticated data management systems that have significantly upgraded the way they perform their jobs. Despite having advanced equipment for patient care, many nurse managers still use archaic scheduling processes that hearken [...]