Why Is HR The Last Department To Get Tech Tools?

Why Is HR The Last Department To Get Tech Tools?

For the past several years, we have observed that many organizations have been successfully implementing technology for CRM, accounting, merchant transactions, manufacturing, online marketing, and inventory management. As IT teams swell, it seems as if HR is often the last department to get on the automation train.  If your company is still using manual processes to track employee time [...]
Why Is HR The Last Department To Get Tech Tools?

Why Should You Improve Onboarding At Your Company?

How often do you examine the importance of onboarding? Business owners have a tendency to concentrate on recruiting at the expense of onboarding. Though recruiting is important, it's only the first step in helping an employee become invested in your organization. Here are just a few reasons to improve your onboarding process: Effective onboarding helps [...]
Everybody Wins With Employee-Centered Human Resources

Everybody Wins With Employee-Centered Human Resources

Despite the name, Human Resources software hasn't typically focused on the human. For decades, systems have been designed to offer organizational efficiency over employee convenience or ease-of-use. But business owners don't need to choose one over the other anymore. WorkforceHUB simplifies Human Resources for employees, supervisors, and admin personnel. Everybody wins! Employees Love WorkforceHUB Employees [...]