The Absolute Payroll Inc Guide to WFM Implementation

The Absolute Payroll Inc Guide to WFM Implementation

Today's post is for business owners who have recently chosen to purchase a Workforce Management system but have not yet implemented it. By following a few guidelines, you can have a smooth system conversion and begin to enjoy the benefits right away. Here is the Absolute Payroll Inc guide to Workforce Management implementation. Make a [...]
Ready to Replace an Old-Fashioned Punch Card System?

Ready to Replace an Old-Fashioned Punch Card System?

Are you still using a traditional card punch time clock? Researching the best way to upgrade? This post is for you. Types of Physical Time Clocks First, let's discuss your options. There are a variety of time clocks for measuring employee time. Card swipe Proximity card Biometric PIN code entry These types of clocks can [...]
Ready to Replace an Old-Fashioned Punch Card System?

4 Tips For Managing Office Politics With WorkforceHUB

If you work in Human Resources, you should be concerned about office politics. If they are not managed carefully, they can destroy your company culture. This, in turn, can threaten the very survival of your company. How Do Office Politics Hurt Your Business? Destructive office politics takes a toll throughout your organization. Frustrated employees Increased [...]
Ready to Replace an Old-Fashioned Punch Card System?

Data Mine Your HR Records: A Scientific Approach to Increasing Productivity

Today's post is for business owners who have limited experience with data analysis, use manual timekeeping and scheduling processes, and want to use a scientific approach to better manage their workforce. Workforce Management 101Capturing Workforce Management (WFM) data is the first step to creating a Human Capital Optimization strategy. In order to gather and manage [...]
Ready to Replace an Old-Fashioned Punch Card System?

WorkforceHUB: Comprehensive HR Processes

Is your Human Resources department overwhelmed? With WorkforceHUB, one HR administrator (or small business owner) can manage dozens of employees. WorkforceHUB really does it all. Time and attendance, scheduling, employee engagement, onboarding, benefits enrollment, and employee payroll portal.Filing cabinets don't cut it anymore. Move your documents online. From hire to retire. There is more to [...]