Why is a Formal Onboarding Process Important?

Why is a Formal Onboarding Process Important?

Does your business have a well-designed onboarding protocol? If you don't, you're not alone. Like most business owners, you have a lot of things on your plate. Onboarding may not seem like a priority. In many companies, it consists of a short orientation meeting followed by reams of forms for the new hire to complete. [...]
Why is a Formal Onboarding Process Important?

Construction Time Tracking App For Multiple Sites

If you are in construction, you've got to schedule work crews efficiently. TimeSimplicity is the top time tracking app for construction. It makes work crew scheduling easy. After all, construction projects live or die by scheduling.New organizations that start out doing one project at a time can expedite employee scheduling with TimeSimplicity. For companies with [...]
Why is a Formal Onboarding Process Important?

Mobile Workforce Management Is No Longer Optional

In every industry, employees are becoming more mobile. Cell phones, tablets, and smart watches make it easy to get work done anywhere. Internet-enabled devices are affordable and universal. Many people can't imagine life without them. Cloud computing expands access to systems that used to be housed on company servers. When business software is in the cloud—you [...]
Why is a Formal Onboarding Process Important?

The Most Advanced Biometric Time Clock for Small Business

TimeWorksTouch from Absolute Payroll Inc has all the features you need to track time and compliance. This affordable biometric employee time clock is designed for both office and non-office work environments. It can be used in manufacturing, industrial, and construction environments. Fingerprint ReaderPositively identifies fingerprints with an advanced algorithm. Can't be exploited for employee wage [...]
Why is a Formal Onboarding Process Important?

How to Cover Your Bases With PBJ: Are You In Compliance?

Today's article is for owners and operators of skilled nursing facilities subject to Payroll Based Journal reporting. Since PBJ compliance became nonelective in July of 2016, how has it been going for you? Have you created a practical process? Are you meeting the quarterly deadlines? Are you confident that your information is accurate? PBJ Doesn't [...]