Six Payroll Problems To Keep In Mind

Six Payroll Problems To Keep In Mind

It is no secret that 20% of small business fail their first year. Payroll mistakes are the primary reason. Getting a grip on your payroll can ease cashflow and help keep your company afloat. As it turns out, payroll is critical. Payroll is also dependent on other systems that you need in place to make [...]
Everybody Wins With Employee-Centered Human Resources

Everybody Wins With Employee-Centered Human Resources

Despite the name, Human Resources software hasn't typically focused on the human. For decades, systems have been designed to offer organizational efficiency over employee convenience or ease-of-use. But business owners don't need to choose one over the other anymore. WorkforceHUB simplifies Human Resources for employees, supervisors, and admin personnel. Everybody wins! Employees Love WorkforceHUB Employees [...]
Six Payroll Problems To Keep In Mind

How Does WorkforceHUB Help You Organize Your Business?

Staying organized is a nonstop challenge for any business owner. WorkforceHUB from Absolute Payroll Inc helps organizations get organized and stay organized. WorkforceHUB is a unified Human Resources platform. It includes recruitment, payroll, timekeeping, scheduling, HR and engagement. Improved Organization Increases Productivity When Human Resources is organized, it's easier to increase organization and productivity elsewhere. [...]
Six Payroll Problems To Keep In Mind

WOTC: Up To 9K Tax Credit For Qualified Employees

WOTC provides a tax credit up to $9600 for organizations that hire qualified employees from any of the target groups. Hire WOTC-Qualified Employees Men and women in the groups listed below often face barriers to employment: TANF recipients Veterans Ex-Felons SNAP recipients SSI recipients Long-term unemployment recipient Designated community and empowerment zone residents Vocational rehabilitation [...]
Six Payroll Problems To Keep In Mind

The Intuitive WorkforceHUB Employee Dashboard

WorkforceHUB from Absolute Payroll Inc is a unified Human Resources portal. It has customizable dashboards for employees and supervisors. The user interface is intuitive and easy to navigate. Let's look at the employee view: Clock In Page Current time Clock in/out Current punch status At a glance: next pay date, download WorkforceHUB app, company directory, [...]
Six Payroll Problems To Keep In Mind

Why Should You Care About Employee Engagement?

The HR experts at Absolute Payroll Inc want employers to understand the importance of employee engagement. How Does Employee Engagement Benefit Your Business? 1. When you increase engagement, you boost productivity and profitability.  2. Engaged staff members provide better service to your customers. 3. Engaged employees are more loyal to your business. Collective tenure improves [...]