WorkforceHUB Walkthrough From Absolute Payroll Inc

WorkforceHUB Walkthrough From Absolute Payroll Inc

Are you considering getting an HR portal? Try our new product demo! WorkforceHUB Walkthrough The team at Absolute Payroll Inc just introduced an interactive walkthrough of WorkforceHUB. It's the top Human Resources portal for small to mid-size businesses. Single Login Time and Attendance Employee Scheduling PTO Management Payroll Records Onboarding Benefits Enrollment Performance Reviews Employee [...]
Why You Need Automated WFM for Salaried Employees

Why You Need Automated WFM for Salaried Employees

Some employers with only salaried personnel often believe automated Workforce Management is only necessary for organizations with hourly employees. The object of this article is to justify why this couldn't be further from the truth. Why Companies With Salaried Employees Need Workforce Management Systems 1. ComplianceThe alphabet soup of the various labor laws—FLSA, ACA, PBJ, FMLA—apply [...]
Why You Need Automated WFM for Salaried Employees

Case Study: Call Center

Call centers that optimize their human capital can significantly increase efficiency and productivity. This was the objective of our example company, a customer service center which had launched eight years previously with one healthcare client. Last year, when they adopted Workforce Management Suite, they provided inbound and outbound support for six health insurers, three nationwide [...]
Do You Know If Your Employee Handbook Is Up-To-Date?

Do You Know If Your Employee Handbook Is Up-To-Date?

You have an employee handbook, don't you? If you don't, it's time to create one. Even if you only have two or three associates. Remember that an employee handbook is dynamic. It should be a living document that evolves with your company.  Careful business owners review it at least yearly. They update it as needed. [...]