How To Decrease Labor Costs With Automated Overtime Alerts

How To Decrease Labor Costs With Automated Overtime Alerts

Is overtime management (or lack thereof) shrinking your bottom line? Paying time and a half can quickly increase your labor costs. And if your workforce is already stretched thin, this probably means your managers and HR team have plenty on their plate without having to worry about overtime policing every single shift. And the bottom [...]
Why You Need Automated WFM for Salaried Employees

Why You Need Automated WFM for Salaried Employees

Some employers with only salaried personnel often believe automated Workforce Management is only necessary for organizations with hourly employees. The object of this article is to justify why this couldn't be further from the truth. Why Companies With Salaried Employees Need Workforce Management Systems 1. ComplianceThe alphabet soup of the various labor laws—FLSA, ACA, PBJ, FMLA—apply [...]
Absolute Payroll Inc TimeWorksTouch: PunchLogic Prevents Punch Errors

Need to Convince Your Boss to Invest in a WFM System?

Are you trying to persuade your boss to implement an advanced Workforce Management system such as Workforce Management Suite? Today's post is for HR managers who want to upgrade from manual processes to an automated system but don't have the authority to make the decision. Many business owners who have not adopted a Workforce Management [...]
Absolute Payroll Inc TimeWorksTouch: PunchLogic Prevents Punch Errors

Why Is HR The Last Department To Get Tech Tools?

For the past several years, we have observed that many organizations have been successfully implementing technology for CRM, accounting, merchant transactions, manufacturing, online marketing, and inventory management. As IT teams swell, it seems as if HR is often the last department to get on the automation train.  If your company is still using manual processes to track employee time [...]
Absolute Payroll Inc TimeWorksTouch: PunchLogic Prevents Punch Errors

If Your Timekeeping System is Free, You Are Paying Too Much

Can You Reduce Your Overhead? To ensure profitability, you need to control expenses in every aspect of your operations. Many owners of small and mid-size companies have ruled out purchasing a third-party timekeeping system. Why? They don't expect a significant ROI. These owners are still using manual systems: Paper timesheets Excel spreadsheets Traditional punch clocks [...]